Reality Check in progress, Vivid Imagination is next!
Continue reading →Reality Check in progress, Vivid Imagination is next!
Continue reading →Here it is the second week of October already. Definitely has been a strange year. The past couple of years have been strange for that matter. It has been a while since anything has really be done with anything, trying … Continue reading →
Sometimes it is just a plain good idea to know where you are at. Especially when working on a server remotely. Never fun to get locked out because you were using the wrong credentials on the wrong server. Whoops! Huh?
Continue reading →Need to do some recruiting so that resources can be within the “neighborhood.” This will make it a lot easier to test the HSMM gear. Then continue on with the following objectives: Develop Alternative Communication Resources develop resources that reach … Continue reading →
Here are some items to work on this year. Develop Alternative Communication Resources develop resources that reach into neighborhood settings what is needed to cover individual areas (within 2 to 5 mile radius)? resources that are quick to deploy and … Continue reading →
Network Configurations – Let us start out with the very basic Ad-hoc network, in which users connect directly to each other. With the Add-hoc network it is possible to connect more than two stations, if each station is using a … Continue reading →
Forward-Thinking Digital Imagining 1) HSMM capabilities at least in the 70cm band and even in 1.25m band. 2 ) Long range HSMM networks with data/video/voice capabilities. (With products like the Ubiquiti Networks Bullet [ubnt.com] should be able to get some … Continue reading →
Just like other living things there are good and bad times for dynamic paths that are taken. One can opt to be static yet knowing dynamic paths will move you. What does this mean to those that work in the … Continue reading →
In the 1800s there was the frontier of West. Today we have digital frontiers to explore. The digital frontiers may not always be digital voice or data that appears within this new frontier. Some may remember the days of 1200 … Continue reading →